Center for the Study of Sustainable Community

Empowering communities for a
sustainable future

About us

What is CSSC?

Center for the Study of Sustainable Community (abbreviated as CSSC; in Indonesian: Pusat Studi Masyarakat Berkelanjutan) is a research center based in Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia. We aim to be a pioneering research and education hub dedicated to promoting sustainable community development, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhancing societal well-being.

Why is it important?

The CSSC serves as a platform to tackle pressing global challenges, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, resource depletion, and poverty. These problems may lead to, among others, increasing feelings of social isolation and discrimination, including ageism. By conducting multidisciplinary research, we aim to generate knowledge, insights, and innovative solutions to address these complex issues and promote societal well-being.

Our objectives

Addressing global challenges

To conduct research on sustainable community development, encompassing social, economic, and environmental aspects.

Advancing technology and innovation

To promote knowledge dissemination and exchange through conferences, workshops, seminars, and publications on sustainable community practices.

Education and capacity building

To offer academic programs and courses focused on sustainable community development, creating a new generation of professionals equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Promoting collaboration

To establish partnerships with local communities, government agencies, and NGOs to implement sustainable community initiatives.

Research Focus Areas

Community empowerment and participation

The CSSC studies community-based approaches that empower individuals and foster active participation in decision-making processes.

Social dynamics and community well-being

The CSSC focuses on investigating the psychological, sociological, and cultural factors that influence community well-being and resilience.

Contact us

Center for the Study of Sustainable Community
(Pusat Studi Masyarakat Berkelanjutan)
Klinik Pratama Atma Jaya BSD Lt.2
Jl. Raya Cisauk Lapan No.A2/10, Sampora, Cisauk,
Tangerang, Banten 15345 - Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

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© CSSC. All right reserved.

CSSC Members


We publish a variety of reports, working papers, scientific articles, and other publications for policymakers and the public. Click each article's title to read the full version.


Adaptation of Environmentally-Friendly Behavior Scale to Indonesian

Made Syanesti Adishesa, Rocky, & Christiany Suwartono (2024)
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengukuran Psikologi, Vol. 13 No. 1, April 2024

Environmentally-friendly behavior is widely studied in Indonesia. However during the last 5 years, there has not yet been a study focusing on testing the psychometric properties of such measure. The main purpose of this study is to adapt an instrument to measure environmentally-friendly behavior and to examine the reliability and validity of the Indonesian translation of the scale. The sample composed of 196 adults with age range 18-25 years old. The original version contained 10 items. The final version of the translated scale contained five items, which showed a reliability coefficients of 0.78. The reasons for the elimination of items in the translated version are discussed. Moreover, the results of the factor analysis confirmed the fit of the model measuring a single factor, namely environmentally-friendly behavior. Ultimately, it was determined that the Indonesian version of the Environmentally-Friendly Behavior is a reliable and valid scale.

Menuju Diri yang Sejati: Panduan Aktivitas Eksplorasi Diri untuk Menggali Nilai Pribadi

Maret, 2024 | Made Syanesti Adishesa

A short article describing a learning activity that can help identify our personal value, to be used in a college class or training.

Associations of Orientation to Promote Good in Challenging Situations with Distress and Well-Being: Multi-study Evidence from Three Non-Western Longitudinal Samples.

Weziak-Bialowolska, D., Cowden, R. G., Cook, K. V., Bialowolski, P., Bechara, A. O., Chen, Z. J., Kurniati, N. M. T., Suwartono, C., McNeely, E., & VanderWeele, T. J. (2024)
European Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 54, pp. 449–464

The study examine whether an orientation to promote good serves as a potential buffer against distress and facilitator of well-being outcomes in three non-Western samples with a recent history of conflict and across three different time frames.


e-LIT: Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Literasi Digital bagi Generasi Digital-Native

Chionia Karitas & Christiany Suwartono
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengukuran Psikologi Vol. 12 No. 2 Oktober 2023

Article reporting the result of a study, aiming to develop a measurement for digital literacy for the digital native generation.

Peran Bias Berpikir dalam Masalah Lingkungan di Indonesia

November, 2023 | Made Syanesti Adishesa

A short article exploring the concept of environmental risk perception and its role in predicting green behavior.

Lebih Menghargai Lingkungan Lewat Permainan Board Game

November, 2023 | Rocky

A short article detailing the role of board game in spreading awareness about the environment.

Intergenerational Program Initiatives with 'Opening Mind Through Arts' (OMA) in Indonesia

October, 2023 | Christiany Suwartono & Michael Maitimoe

Christiany Suwartono from the Center for the Study of Sustainable Community at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia and Michael Maitimoe from Alzheimer’s Indonesia, Jakarta, presented their collaborative efforts in the Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2023 on 26-29 October 2023 at ICC (International Convention Centre), Brunei Darussalam. Click here to download the presentation file.

Bermain Untuk Lansia: Meningkatkan Kesehatan Tubuh dan Mental

October, 2023 | Mikhael Justin Purnadhi & Justinus Budi Santoso

A short essay about the positive effects of playing on older adults' health, both physical and psychological.

Taklukkan Stigma: Program OMA Membawa Perubahan Sikap Positif Terhadap Orang dengan Demensia

October, 2023 | Nikita Florence, Aurelia P. Deviarini, & Christiany Suwartono

A report about impact analysis of the ScrippsOMA program. The result showed statistically significant increase of positive attitude toward dementia and the elderly.

Fulbright Brings ScrippsOMA to Indonesia

June, 2023 | Christiany Suwartono & Elizabeth Lokon

This short article describes the ScrippsOMA program, which pairs people living with dementia one-on-one with student or community volunteers, family caregivers, or healthcare professionals in a small group setting.

ScrippsAVID: Arts-based, Virtual, Intergenerational, Dementia-friendly

May, 2023 | Elizabeth Lokon & Christiany Suwartono

This short article describes the ScrippsAVID program, which connects people across generations to share art, music, poetry, and stories.


Below are the latest updates on event announcements, expert insights, thought-provoking articles, and global sustainability efforts which are parts of our initiatives.

Active Listening Training Held to Support Families of Former Terrorism Convicts

September 24th, 2024

On September 20th, 2024, the Center for the Study of Sustainable Community (CSSC), in collaboration with the Division for Applied Social Psychology Research (DASPR), conducted a training on active listening at the Acacia Hotel Jakarta. Sponsored by the Working Group on Women and C/PVE (WGWC), this initiative is part of DASPR's Family Resilience program. The program targets wives and female family members of terrorism convicts and former convicts, with the trainees being board members of FOSPETA (Forum Support Perempuan Tangguh), a group initiated by DASPR.The training was led by Stefani H.S. Nugroho, Ph.D., and Justinus Budi Santoso, M.Psi., Psikolog, both members of CSSC, with the assistance of psychology students from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia. The program aimed to equip participants with the communication skills necessary to strengthen relationships and foster resilience within their families.Through practical exercises and discussions, the participants explored the importance of active listening in rebuilding trust and emotional connection. The collaboration between these organizations reflects a growing focus on psychological and social interventions as essential tools in preventing violent extremism and supporting community reintegration.

Three Community Service Products from CSSC Won Awards at FKCPI 2024

August 4th, 2024

In the Kongres Luar Biasa Himpunan Psikologi (HIMPSI) 2024 event, HIMPSI Banten in collaboration with Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara (KPIN) held the Indonesian Psychology Creative Work Festival (abbreviated as FKCPI; Festival Karya Cipta Psikologi Indonesia in Indonesian). This event was held on August 2nd, 2024 at Novotel Tangerang. This event showcased various innovations, research, and creative works in the field of psychology from academics, professionals, and psychology students in Indonesia. FKCPI aims to promote the development of psychology, introduce the latest work and research, and provide space for practitioners and academics to share knowledge and experiences.At FKCPI, the Center for the Study of Sustainable Community (CSSC) proudly presented three products for community service that won the Produk Madya award. This award is given to products that demonstrate good quality and originality, although not as good as superior products, but still demonstrate high creativity and meaningful contributions to the psychology community.The first product, "Crossing Generations Through Art: Improving the Well-Being of Elderly and Young Volunteers Through the Opening Minds Through Art (OMA) Program in Indonesia," is an intervention aimed at improving the well-being of elderly and young volunteers through art.The second product, "ScrippsAVID Indonesia: Bridging the Intergenerational Gap in the Digital Age," is an intervention designed to address the intergenerational communication gap through online chat activities.The third product, "Colorful Ink Cards: Stimulus to Improve Elderly Well-Being in Counseling Sessions," is a psychological service support tool that uses cards with colorful ambiguous stimuli to facilitate elderly people to tell stories in counseling sessions.These three products show great potential to be further developed and implemented so as to provide real benefits to the (elderly) community in Indonesia. CSSC continues to be committed to developing innovations that support community well-being.

CSSC Signs CSSC Signs MOU with Key Psychology Institutions: KPIN, HIMPSI Banten, and DASPR

July 25th, 2024

In a significant move to bolster sustainability efforts, the Center for the Study of Sustainable Community (CSSC) has signed a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with three prominent psychology institutions: the Division for Applied Social Psychology Research (DASPR), Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia wilayah Banten (HIMPSI Banten, the Indonesian Association for Psychologists), and Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara (KPIN, a consortium for the department of psychology in Indonesian universities).These collaborations marked a pivotal moment in the collaborative pursuit of sustainable development.Strengthening Collaboration for SustainabilityThe MOU emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing complex sustainability challenges. By joining forces, CSSC and its partners aim to integrate psychological insights into sustainability initiatives, ensuring that social and behavioral factors are considered in the development and implementation of sustainable practices."The collaboration between CSSC and these esteemed psychology institutions represents a significant step forward in our mission to create sustainable communities," said Dr. Christiany Suwartono M.Si., Founder of CSSC. "Understanding human behavior and social dynamics is crucial to achieving lasting environmental and social change."Commitment to Sustainable DevelopmentThe partnership with DASPR, HIMPSI Banten, and KPIN underscores CSSC's dedication to its mission of fostering sustainable communities. Each institution brings unique expertise and resources to the table, enhancing the collective ability to promote sustainable practices across various sectors.DASPR: Known for its cutting-edge research in applied social psychology, DASPR will contribute valuable insights into the social factors influencing sustainability behaviors. This knowledge will be instrumental in designing effective interventions and policies that encourage sustainable lifestyles.HIMPSI Banten: As the regional branch of the Indonesian Association for Psychologists, HIMPSI Banten will play a key role in engaging local communities and promoting psychological well-being as a component of sustainable living. Their extensive network of psychologists will help implement community-based sustainability programs.KPIN: The consortium, representing psychology departments from universities across Indonesia, will facilitate academic research and educational initiatives related to sustainability. KPIN's involvement will ensure that future generations of psychologists are equipped with the knowledge and skills to support sustainable development.Looking AheadThe collaboration between CSSC and its new partners marks a significant milestone in the journey towards sustainable development. The MOU sets the stage for a series of joint initiatives, including research projects, community outreach programs, and educational campaigns aimed at promoting sustainability.As the world faces increasing environmental and social challenges, the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration cannot be overstated. The partnership between CSSC, DASPR, HIMPSI Banten, and KPIN exemplifies a proactive approach to addressing these issues, paving the way for a more sustainable and equitable future.

The Fifth and Last Activity at Panti Werdha Stella Maris: Practical Application of PSE 102 Education and Learning in the Elderly

June 15th, 2024

It was your usual Friday, except that day will be our last session at Panti Werdha Stella Maris. Although bittersweet, this five-week program has been filled with delightful memories that will remain in our minds.Our fifth session began with our usual sing-along. This was followed by collage art, where elders could freely place the pieces of paper given and create their unique art pieces. As usual, students used this time to bond with the elders. The session then continued with a dancing session. The dance itself was simple, using only your upper body, intending to include the elders who could no longer use their legs very well. Laughter decorated the room once the dance ended.After that, we distributed shirts and personalized letters to the elders. We expressed our gratitude and joy in meeting and interacting with the Panti Werdha Stella Maris elders. Understanding that this was the last session, several elders and students shed tears. It showed how deep our bond has gotten compared to the first session. Our farewell ended in happiness instead of sadness.We are incredibly grateful to have been given the chance to do this activity. The students themselves have expressed how much they have learned from the elders. Meeting them fostered respect and appreciation for different life stages. They have lived through tough times and have passed life lessons to the young students in hopes of them living a good life. We left the elderly home with a bundle of insight that we’ll treasure for days to come. We sincerely hope this activity will bring positive changes to the elders from Panti Werdha Stella Maris.

Fourth Activity at Panti Werdha Stella Maris: Practical Application of PSE 102 Education and Learning in the Elderly

June 8th, 2024

In our fourth week of activities, the elders created an abstract art with the students. They dropped food colorings and sprayed them with water to create beautiful abstract art. To train the elders’ kinesthetic abilities, we encouraged them to roll paint-covered balls designed to add another layer of paint to their art. We also provided decoration glitters as a cherry on top.This time, the activity was significantly harder than the previous ones we had done. Nonetheless, the elders showed incredible enthusiasm for partaking in this session. The students marked the visible joy that the elders expressed while partaking in this activity. As time passed, students learned more about the elders in Panti Werdha Stella Maris. They learned about the elders’ lives: their favorite color, favorite food, hobbies, what they do in their spare time, and much more. We were pleasantly surprised with how friendly and responsive the elders were.This marks the success of another session. The students accumulated a lot of knowledge from their interactions with the elders. On the other hand, those interactions provided joy to the elders. They were happy to be introduced to art activities and converse with the younger generations. A video recap of our session can be viewed on our official Instagram page. Please look forward to our fifth and last session.

Third Activity at Panti Werdha Stella Maris: Practical Application of PSE 102 Education and Learning in the Elderly

June 1st, 2024

We are excited to continue our third session in Panti Werdha Stella Maris. This time, we created art by dripping food coloring onto mica paper before pressing it to a piece of paper using a roller. The elders were encouraged to drip food coloring and use the roller independently to train their kinesthetic abilities.With the help of the students, the elders succeed in making abstract art containing a variety of brilliant colors. Although they initially hesitated, seeing the elders’ participation gradually increase in each session was exhilarating. Putting aside the activity, students also gained insight from these weekly meetings. They learned how meaningful social interactions are for the elders. They also learned how to empathize and converse with them better.As usual, we have documented our third session in a video recap. You can watch it on our official Instagram page. We have prepared another fun activity for the elders for our next session. Please stay tuned for our fourth session!

Second Activity at Panti Werdha Stella Maris: Practical Application of PSE 102 Education and Learning in the Elderly

May 31st, 2024

Our session in Panti Werdha Stella Maris resumed for the second session.This time, the elders created an art piece with the help of food coloring and strings. Seeing the smiles and laughter of the elders, it could be assumed that the results were satisfactory. From the previous session, students learned that conversations are needed to form bonds with the elderly. This meeting provided an opportunity for them to initiate conversations and succeeded in having meaningful interactions with the elders.This activity gave our students a chance to empathize and connect with the elderly community, a community they were not very familiar with. If you want to see how the session went, a video recap can be viewed on our official Instagram page. We’re excited to see how much growth the upcoming sessions will bring to our students and the elders.With that said, please look forward to our third session!

Guest Lecturers ScrippsOMA and ScrippsAVID Enrich Community Psychology Course

May 30th, 2024

On Thursday, May 30, 2024, in the auditorium on the ground floor of Building D, we had the pleasure of hosting ScrippsOMA and ScrippsAVID as guest lecturers for our pre-professional Community Psychology course. Their insightful presentations provided valuable knowledge on community psychology and its application in sustainable community development.This event was made possible thanks to the efforts of Ms. Ratna and Ms. Dianti, who facilitated this enriching opportunity. We appreciate everyone's participation and look forward to more engaging sessions in the future!

First Activity at Panti Werdha Stella Maris: Practical Application of PSE 102 Education and Learning in the Elderly

May 17th, 2024

We are delighted to share the successful launch of our practical activities for PSE 102 class Z: Education and Learning in the Elderly at Panti Werdha Stella Maris. This first session was an enriching experience for both our students and the elderly residents.Our initial meeting began with warm introductions and a joyful sing-along session. This was then complemented by an engaging inkblot art activity. The elderly participants were thrilled by the visit, expressing their happiness through smiles and enthusiasm. This was a valuable opportunity for our students to practice empathy and understand the nuances of interacting with elderly individuals. Many students realized that it sometimes takes time to engage in meaningful conversations with the elderly. Some were pleasantly surprised by the responsive and lively interactions they experienced with the residents.This first session at Panti Werdha Stella Maris provided practical learning for our students and brought joy and connection to the elderly community. A video recap (click here) of this session can be viewed on our official Instagram page. We look forward to the upcoming sessions and the continued growth and learning they will bring.Stay tuned for more updates on our activities and their positive impact!

Integrating Community Engagement with Academic Learnings

May 11th, 2024

We are excited to announce the integration of the Center for the Study of Sustainable Community (CSSC) activities with our coursework at the Faculty of Psychology, specifically within the courses "Education and Learning in the Elderly (OMA)" and "Experimental Psychology (AVID)." For more information about CSSC, please visit CSSC's website.As part of the practical component of PSE 102: Education and Learning in the Elderly, this semester's OMA activities will be held at Panti Werdha Stella Maris, located at Perumahan Pondok Miri, Jl. H. Nana, RT.03/RW.05, Rawakalong, Kec. Gn. Sindur, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16340. You can learn more about the facility through their Instagram page (click here).Through these sessions, students will have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in a real-world setting, enriching their learning experience while providing valuable services to the elderly community at Panti Werdha Stella Maris. This initiative underscores our dedication to fostering sustainable community engagement and enhancing educational outcomes for our students.

CSSC Collaborates with Technobiology Researchers to Promote Sustainable Takeaway Practices

May 8th, 2024

In an innovative collaboration, the Center for the Study of Sustainable Community (CSSC) is partnering with Technobiology researchers to promote eco-friendly takeaway practices for online food orders. Leveraging their expertise, Technobiology researchers have assessed cable tie usage in food packaging, aiming to minimize bacterial impact. By assessing bacterial growth in samples with reduced cable tie usage compared to traditional methods, they seek to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in maintaining food safety standards.CSSC's role in this initiative extends beyond the laboratory, as they engage with customers to gauge attitudes toward the use of cable ties in takeaway food packaging. Through interviews and surveys, CSSC aims to understand laypeople's perceptions and foster greater awareness of sustainable alternatives. By bridging scientific research with community engagement, CSSC and its collaborators are paving the way for more environmentally conscious practices in the food industry.

CSSC Takes Action: Art Studio Clean-Up Day

May 6th, 2024

The Center for the Study of Sustainable Community (CSSC) dedicated a day to cleaning up their art studio. With a commitment to fostering a cleaner and healthier environment, CSSC members rolled up their sleeves to dust off neglected corners and organize art supplies. This initiative not only enhances the studio's aesthetic appeal but also reflects CSSC's dedication to environmental stewardship and community well-being. Stay tuned for more updates on CSSC's sustainability efforts!

CSSC Explores New Art Form: Pulled String Art

May 6th, 2024

The Center for the Study of Sustainable Community (CSSC) is excited to announce its venture into a captivating new art form at our art studio: Pulled String Art. Spearheaded by our creative members, this innovative technique involves manipulating strings soaked in paint to create mesmerizing patterns and textures. By embracing Pulled String Art, CSSC aims to foster creativity while exploring sustainable and eco-friendly art practices. Join us in this artistic journey as we continue to push the boundaries of sustainability and artistic expression at CSSC!

Webinar Explores Social Awareness and Empathy Among Indonesian Generation Z

April 24th, 2024

An insightful webinar titled "Awareness and Empathy Among Indonesian's Generation Z" was held on April 23rd, 2024, offering a comprehensive exploration of these crucial traits within the young generation. The event was moderated by Henny Mayasari, a practicing psychologist known for her work in youth mental health and development.The webinar featured two esteemed speakers: Sri Fatmawati Mashoedi from the University of Indonesia and Wiwit Puspitasari Dewi from Pelita Harapan University, each bringing unique perspectives to the discussion.Sri Fatmawati Mashoedi opened the session with a lecture from an academic standpoint, emphasizing the significance of social awareness and empathy in today's interconnected world. She discussed how these qualities are foundational to forming cohesive communities and fostering mutual respect among diverse groups. Mashoedi highlighted recent studies indicating that Generation Z, more than any previous generation, exhibits a heightened sensitivity to social issues and a strong desire to contribute positively to society.Following Mashoedi's academic overview, Wiwit Puspitasari Dewi presented a more practical approach to instilling empathy in youth. Drawing from her extensive experience in educational psychology, Dewi shared actionable strategies that parents, educators, and community leaders can implement.The webinar was well-received, with many attendees expressing their appreciation for the valuable insights and practical advice shared. It marked a significant step towards enhancing social awareness and empathy among Indonesian Generation Z, preparing them to be thoughtful and compassionate leaders of tomorrow.The contents of the webinar is summarized in this article:

Nurturing Self-Actualization: Insights for Empowering Generation Z in Indonesia

April 1st, 2024

As a collaborative effort between CSSC, Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Indonesia (KPIN), and Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI) Banten, a webinar is held on March 12th, 2024. The webinar titled "Self-Actualization in Generation Z of Indonesia" provided invaluable perspectives on the journey of self-discovery, especially beneficial for professionals engaging with young individuals.Sri Fatmawati Mashoedi delved into the theoretical underpinnings and defining traits of self-actualization, equipping educators, counselors, and mentors with profound insights into the evolving developmental stages and aspirations of today's youth. This enhanced understanding enables these professionals to tailor their approaches, fostering an environment conducive to nurturing personal growth and fulfillment among the younger demographic. Moreover, Sari Zakiah Akmal's hands-on demonstration of cognitive information processing activities presented practical tools for empowering young people on their quest for self-actualization. These strategies, when integrated into educational and counseling practices, facilitate dynamic and transformative experiences that cultivate critical thinking, self-awareness, and goal-setting abilities crucial for unlocking one's inherent potential. The webinar's thorough examination provided professionals working with young individuals actionable insights to inspire, guide, and empower the next generation on their journey towards self-actualization and holistic fulfillment.Additionally, the webinar has spawned two comprehensive articles synthesizing the expertise shared by the distinguished speakers. These articles serve as enduring resources, providing guidance and inspiration for professionals dedicated to nurturing the journey of self-actualization among the youth of Indonesia. The links to those articles are below:

Empowering Youth: Unlocking Personal Values for Success in Indonesia

February 14th, 2024

In an insightful webinar titled "Personal Value for Generation Z in Indonesia," experts delved into the crucial role personal values play in shaping the lives of today's youth. The webinar is the result of a collaboration among three institution: CSSC, Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Indonesia (KPIN), and Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI) Banten. For professionals working with young people, such as educators and counselors, this webinar provided invaluable insights into fostering self-awareness and guiding the next generation toward fulfilling lives driven by meaningful values.Sri Fatmawati Mashoedi, a representative from the University of Indonesia, underscored how understanding personal values can profoundly influence decision-making and life trajectories.
During the session, Made Syanesti Adishesa, affiliated with the Center for the Study of Sustainable Community, shared practical strategies for identifying personal values through engaging activities. This approach not only equips individuals with self-awareness but also empowers them to make choices aligned with their core beliefs. Moderated by Galih Arya Ramadhan, a seasoned psychologist from Indonesia's National Psychologist Association (HIMPSI Banten), the webinar facilitated a rich dialogue, offering professionals working with young people actionable tools to support their journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
The two speakers also wrote a comprehensive articles about the material that were talked about in the webinar, which can be found here:

Unlocking Self-Awareness: Indonesian Gen Z Empowered through Bronfenbrenner's Theory in Webinar

Febrbuary 1st, 2024

In a thought-provoking webinar titled "Self-awareness in Indonesian Gen Z," hosted by the University of Indonesia and the Center of the Study of Sustainable Community (CSSC), two distinguished speakers shed light on the critical importance of self-awareness for the younger generation in Indonesia. The webinar is the result of a collaboration among three institution: CSSC, Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Indonesia (KPIN), and Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI) Banten.The first speaker, Sri Fatmawati Mashoedi, M.Si, from the University of Indonesia, delved into Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory. She intricately explored how this theory examines the multifaceted role of the environment in shaping one's identity. By understanding this intricate process, Mashoedi argued, the Gen Z population in Indonesia can significantly enhance their self-awareness.Building on the foundational insights provided by Mashoedi, the second speaker, Rocky, M.Psi., Psikolog from the Center of the Study of Sustainable Community, introduced a practical approach to applying Bronfenbrenner's theory. Rocky emphasized the significance of identifying crucial social, biological, and psychological factors that contribute to shaping an individual's sense of self. The speaker proposed engaging in specific activities that would facilitate a deeper understanding of these factors, ultimately leading to enhanced self-awareness among the Indonesian Gen Z population. This webinar not only fostered a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of self-awareness but also provided actionable strategies for its practical application in daily life.Furthermore, the webinar culminated in the creation of two comprehensive articles encapsulating the insights shared by the esteemed speakers. The articles can be found here:

Carving Happiness Through Art: Tika Wulandari at the Arts for Good Fellowship (A4G Fellowship) 2023

November 27th, 2023

The Arts for Good (A4G) Fellowship is held annually to cultivate a community that leverages art and culture to create positive global social change. In 2023, the A4G Fellowship adopts the theme "Empowering Meaningful Ageing through the Arts."Tika Wulandari, a trainer for the Opening Minds through Art (OMA) program under the Center for The Study of Sustainable Community (CSSC) at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, was selected among 34 representatives from 11 countries to collaborate and share information about art programs for senior adults. The program took place online on October 4-6, 2023, November 3, 2023, and December 1, 2023, concluding with an in-person event in Singapore on January 22-26, 2024.As part of the activities, a presentation on the OMA program was held on October 5, 2023, receiving positive feedback from other participants. On December 3, 2023, OMA will be revisited as one of the programs specifically designed for seniors with dementia.For more information about the Arts for Good Fellowship, it can be found here.

Playtime OMA Unleashes Creativity at the University of Indonesia's Faculty of Psychology

November 8th, 2023
By: Zahra Ainina Cahyaningtyas, S.Psi

On Tuesday (31/10/2023), the Playtime OMA activity took place at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia. The event, held from 9:00 to 11:30, was attended by 8 participants, including 2 OMA volunteers and 6 psychology faculty students. The objective of this activity was to introduce OMA to students and test new OMA painting techniques with volunteers. The Playtime session was guided by Dr. Dipl. Psych. Ratna Djuwita., Prof. Dr. Ali Nina Liche Seniati, M.Si., Psikolog, and Ms. Mira Balya Amriasih.Artwork created by participants during this activity utilized dream catcher and inkblot techniques. All participants were enthusiastic about creating art following the given instructions. Some comments from participants about their artwork included, "cool," "didn't expect the result to be like this," and "good even though it's abstract." The Playtime activity concluded with the completion of an evaluation questionnaire and a group photo session with all participants and their artworks.

Artful Connections: Exploring the Impact of Opening Mind Through Arts (OMA) on Senior Residents with Dementia in RUKUN Cipete

November 8th, 2023
By: Zahra Ainina Cahyaningtyas, S.Psi

On Wednesday (08/11/2023), the Opening Mind Through Arts (OMA) event took place at the Rukun Dementia Support Center in Cipete. The purpose of this activity was to introduce OMA to senior residents with dementia and to interact directly with them through the creation of artworks. The event, which ran from 13:00 to 15:00, was attended by 9 senior residents with dementia, divided into 2 session groups.In the first session, from 13:00 to 14:00, the seniors engaged in creating art using the dream catcher technique. In the second session, from 14:00 to 15:00, they worked on art using the inkblot technique. The seniors were also invited to sing the song "Rasa Sayange," and there was joy and happiness at the beginning and end of the session. The senior residents participating in this activity showed various responses, such as joy from interacting with friends, uncertainty about their artistic abilities, and confusion when asked to give a title to their artwork. Nevertheless, a considerable number of senior residents found the OMA activity enjoyable.

Indonesian Initiative in Focus at ADI Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2023

October 30th, 2023

Dementia has emerged as a global concern, prompting a call for collective action to tackle this challenge effectively. Demensia Brunei is hosting the Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2023 on 26-29 October 2023 at ICC (International Convention Centre), Brunei Darussalam.In response to this pressing issue, representatives from Indonesia showcased their innovative work during the ADI Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2023. We presented on Day 2 (October 28, 2023), highlighted the importance of knowledge sharing, research, and experiences to enhance the lives of individuals living with dementia.The Indonesian presentation titled "Intergenerational Program Initiatives with 'Opening Mind Through Arts' (OMA) in Indonesia" brought to the forefront a unique collaboration. Christiany Suwartono from the Center for the Study of Sustainable Community at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia and Michael Maitimoe from Alzheimer’s Indonesia, Jakarta, presented their collaborative efforts.

Community Service for the Seniors by IPK HIMPSI Banten and Center for the Study of Sustainable Community at Husnul Khotimah Nursing Home

September 16th, 2023

The Association of Clinical Psychologist (IPK) HIMPSI Banten has successfully carried out a community service activity for the senior residents at Husnul Khotimah Nursing Home, located in the Islamic Village complex, Karawaci, Tangerang City, Banten. This event is a manifestation of the caring and positive contribution of IPK HIMPSI Banten, in collaboration with the Center for the Study of Sustainable Community, for the senior residents of the nursing home.
The event was attended by approximately 25 individuals residing at Husnul Khotimah Nursing Home, along with 8 caregivers who diligently assist the residents. Additionally, there were 13 committee members who worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth execution of the event. The social service event took place from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Husnul Khotimah Nursing Home, situated within the Islamic Village complex, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency, Banten.
Various essential supplies for the seniors such as groceries, laundry soap, dishwashing soap, bathing hygiene items, and more were generously donated by IPK HIMPSI Banten. These contributions are expected to assist the senior residents in leading a more comfortable daily life. In addition to the donation, the event also included an ink-blot art activity organized by colleagues from the Center for the Study of Sustainable Community. Ink-blot art is an activity, part of Opening Minds through Art (OMA) program that supports creativity, decision-making, and provides an opportunity for intergenerational interactions. It is hoped that this social service activity will inspire many to be more compassionate towards the seniors in our community. The Center for the Study of Sustainable Community also plans to continue organizing social initiatives that benefit the surrounding community.

Heartwarming Art Exhibition Celebrates Older Adults' Talents

September 8th, 2023
By: Liza Nur Cita

In a heartwarming event that celebrated the artistic talents of older adults, an art exhibition hosted by the Opening Minds Through Art (OMA) team and Erudio Indonesia left attendees inspired and delighted. The event took place at Dapur Raya, Pasaraya Blok M, South Jakarta, on September 1, 2023, and showcased the remarkable artistry of the lovely seniors from Rukun Dementia Support Center and Santa Anna Retirement Home.The exhibition, which kicked off at approximately 2 PM and spanned a single day, was a multifaceted affair that blended art, fashion, commerce, and philanthropy. Here are some highlights from this heartwarming event:1. Artistic Showcases: The stars of the event were undoubtedly the paintings created by the talented older adults. These artworks were not just a testament to their creativity but also a poignant reminder of the beauty and value of art in our lives.2. Fashion Extravaganza: Attendees were treated to a unique fashion show that featured patterned cloth inspired by the artworks of several different artists from Rukun Dementia Support Center. This creative fusion of art and fashion added a layer of depth to the event.3. Bazaar Bonanza: A bustling bazaar offered attendees the opportunity to purchase merchandise featuring the exquisite art-inspired cloths, as well as other items such as stickers, notebooks, and tote bags. This allowed guests to take home a piece of the event's magic.4. Art Bid with a Purpose: An art auction held during the exhibition was a noble endeavor that not only honored the artists but also supported a great cause. Half of the proceeds from the art bid were allocated to the artists themselves, ensuring they received recognition and financial support for their talents. The other half went to the Center for the Study of Sustainable Community, extending the event's positive impact beyond the venue.The event was not just about art and commerce; it was about people coming together to share moments of joy. Attendees were treated to snacks and the sight of smiles from both the senior artists and those appreciating their work.In summary, this art exhibition was a heartwarming celebration of the older adults at Rukun Dementia Support Center, Rukun Sentul, and Santa Anna Retirement Home. It served as a powerful reminder of the creative potential that exists within individuals of all ages. Beyond art, the event brought the community together, raised funds for a worthy cause, and left a lasting impression of warmth and inspiration. We can only hope that more such events will continue to showcase the hidden talents and wisdom of our senior population while bringing joy and connection to all who attend.You can view a video montage encapsulating the event on YouTube by clicking here.For further information and inquiries about becoming a part of the OMA journey, please visit
As OMA continues to make a positive impact on the lives of elderly individuals, we express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported our mission. Until we meet again next year, thank you!


The First Ever In Indonesia:
A Multi-Generational Art Exhibition

Opening Minds through Art (OMA), an evidence-based program dedicated to fostering creative connections and breaking down cognitive barriers for individuals living with dementia, is excited to announce its first art exhibition in Indonesia. The event will be held on September 1 at Pasar Raya Blok M, Dapur Raya, Jakarta, from 14:00 to 17:00 p.m. This is a public event; everyone is welcome.This event, hosted in collaboration with Atma Jaya University’s psychology department and medical school, showcases the artistic talents of individuals living with dementia alongside high school and college students, community members, caregivers, and professional artists. The expansion of OMA to Indonesia was made possible, in part, by a 2023 Fulbright Scholar Grant awarded to OMA's founder, Dr. Elizabeth "Like" Lokon.The OMA art exhibition, held for one day only, promises to be a celebration of creativity, connection, and community. The event will feature the artwork of OMA artists from Rukun Dementia Support Program, Rukun Senior Living, and Panti Lansia Santa Anna, with additional contributions from Erudio High School students, parents, and individual artists. In total, 47 OMA artists will showcase 60+ artworks. Don't miss this inspiring event that celebrates creativity, compassion, and the power of art to bridge generations and transform lives.You can read more about the event on our press release (click to view).

Report on Introduction to Opening Minds Through Art

August 28th, 2023
By: Liza Nur Cita

Introduction to Opening Minds Through Art: Reducing Ageism and Loneliness was held in Atma Jaya University, Central Jakarta on 16th of August, 2023. The seminar, which was held from 9 AM to 12 PM, was led by Elizabeth Lokon, Ph.D. from Scripps Gerontology Center, Miami University, Ohio. The event was attended by a dozen people from different ages and various educational backgrounds.Prior to the seminar, participants were asked to register and fill in a pre-test for evaluation purposes. At the start, Elizabeth Lokon introduced herself and gave everyone a chance to participate in a short ice-breaking session. Lokon asked the age long question of “what comes across your mind when you think of aging?”. Shortly after, participants were divided into two groups: those who were excited to grow older and those who were less ecstatic. More people expressed that they didn’t exactly welcome the idea of aging with open arms. There was a small sharing session in which groups of three (with the two people being part of the majority) were able to give reasons why they feel the way they do.“Whether you do this exercise in the US or Indonesia, the negatives of aging will always seem to outweigh the positives in people’s eyes,” Lokon said. “The negatives we see are connected to ageism and loneliness”. Lokon reminded us of a form of discrimination that is very normalized and hidden: ageism. One in two people or 50% of our population are ageist towards older people, which to many was a depressing number to behold. Even so, ageism can go in both directions.The impact of ageism towards older people is extensive. Discrimination can result in poorer physical and mental health, slower recovery from disability, cognitive decline, reduced quality of life (QoL), increased loneliness, and shortened lifespan by 7.5 years. In addition to that, ageism contributes to poverty and financial insecurity. The elderly are more prone to loneliness because of various factors. Its effects range from increased risk of death, dementia, hospitalization, and heart disease; its impact on health is also similar to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Lokon explains that nobody thinks about the elderly’s human needs of being needed, cared for, useful, etc. This poor negative attitude towards aging increases the risk of dementia.At the end of the seminar there was another session where participants were divided into three groups and discussed what we can do to address these problems. In conclusion, Three strategies that work in addressing ageism: policy and law, educational activities, and intergenerational interventions, such as the Opening Minds Through Art program. Thank you, Lokon!

ScrippsAVID Introduction Webinar by HIMPSI Banten in Collaboration

August 24th, 2023
By: Aurelia Pramesti Deviarini

The Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI) Banten region organized an online webinar on August 24, 2023, to introduce the academic community to ScrippsAVID. The webinar commenced with a brief introduction to ScrippsAVID and the guest speaker for the evening, Christiany Suwartono, Ph.D. The AVID program, conceived by Elizabeth Lokon, Ph.D., and her team during the pandemic, aims to combat loneliness and ageism by fostering connections between different generations. This year, the program made its debut in Indonesia and was entrusted to UNIKA Atma Jaya, specifically the Faculty of Psychology. Christiany Suwartono, who heads the Center for The Study of Sustainable Community (CSSC), adapted the program. She emphasized that ScrippsAVID is not a psychological intervention; rather, it is open to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. The core concept of ScrippsAVID revolves around conversation and the exchange of life experiences and artistic perspectives with someone from a different generation.As ScrippsAVID is still in its early stages in Indonesia, there is no dedicated website available yet. In the absence of a website, a pilot project was carried out manually using a video call platform, alongside an activity manual. Feedback received from both students and lecturers has been positive, with lecturers benefiting from interactions with new individuals and students gaining deeper insights into their instructors. However, it's worth noting that not all participants experienced a positive outcome from the pilot project.The webinar proceeded with an extensive question-and-answer session, which saw active participation from the attendees. Some participants sought clarification on the technical aspects of the program, while others were keen to learn about ScrippsAVID's future direction. Christiany Suwartono expressed her hope that educational institutions and companies would embrace this program. The program's key strength lies in bridging generational gaps and fostering connections across diverse contexts. She expressed her gratitude to all those who had shown interest and expressed optimism about ScrippsAVID's future prospects, inviting more people to join. The webinar concluded on a positive note, with HIMPSI Banten bringing the event to a close.

Enhancing Preparedness through "Death Education" in Palliative Care Block

August 21th, 2023
By: Angelika Natalia

In a transformative event on August 21st, 2023, medical students delved into the world of death. The session "Death Education: Enhancing Student Preparedness," which is part of the Palliative Care block, opened to offer insight, reflection, and innovative approaches to approaching the topic of death.Hosted by distinguished speaker Elizabeth Lokon, Ph.D., MGS from Miami University's Scripps Gerontology Center, the event embarked on an in-depth journey through experiential learning services and techniques, including OMA, AVID, and TCMU. The session began by engaging participants in a polling activity to gauge their perceptions and feelings about death as a springboard to the following thought-provoking discussion.The session's centerpiece was a comprehensive literature review explaining the importance of death education for medical and nursing students. The presentation drew on examples from around the world, showcasing a variety of approaches to dealing with the idea of death. These ranged from the famous "Coffin Fantasy" in Ghana, the Taiwanese and Japanese practice of lying in a coffin, and the moving Threshold Choir. Students were introduced to a spectrum of methods that help foster a healthier relationship with the concept of death.One of the event's highlights was a practical exercise where students were encouraged to design their coffins, a creative expression that offered a unique perspective on their understanding of death. Enlightening videos were showcased to illustrate the methodology further, providing a visual narrative of the various approaches discussed.Toward the end of the session, an interactive group discussion provided an opportunity for students to reflect on how they personally wanted to approach death. Many student groups dedicated themselves to a shared commitment, spending more time in clinics and hospitals and engaging with patients in activities that contributed to a more positive view of death.The importance of this session is underlined by the fact that medical students are inherently bound to face the inevitability of death in their professional journey. Recognizing this, this session aims to equip these future doctors with a deeper understanding of their role in providing medical care and emotional support to patients as they undergo end-of-life care.

Exploring Art as a Stress Relief Method for Medical Students in Palliative Care

August 18th, 2023
By: Angelika Natalia

On Friday, August 18, medical students at Atma Jaya Pluit University took part in a unique session that aimed to relieve stress through the power of art. The "Creating Art to Relieve Stress" event was organized as part of the Palliative Care block, which provides insight into the challenges faced by doctors dealing with patients suffering from severe, chronic, or terminal illnesses. The speaker for this session was Dr. Christiany Suwartono, S.Psi., M.Si., one of the lecturers and vice-dean at the Faculty of Psychology Atma Jaya University of Indonesia. The event focused on introducing the concept of palliative care, explaining the trials and tribulations faced by medical professionals dealing with patients facing severe health conditions.Inspired by Opening Minds through Art (OMA) and ScrippsAVID, Christiany Suwartono, affectionately called Mba Chen, realized the importance of incorporating alternative methods, such as art, to reduce stress for doctors and patients. As palliative care centers on improving the comfort and well-being of individuals battling chronic and terminal illnesses, the event aimed to emphasize the role of art as a medium to provide relief.Central to the session was introducing "inkblot," an artistic technique encouraging participants to explore their creativity by interpreting abstract ink patterns. In this activity, not only listening to the material but participants were also given the opportunity to try the inkblot art process. The session was held offline at the university campus, thus creating an environment conducive to learning and interaction. The participants, fully immersed in the art-making process, absorbed the therapeutic benefits and formed relationships with their peers through sharing sessions.
At the end of the session, Ms. Chen emphasized an essential aspect of art-making: the absence of strict right or wrong, beautiful or ugly. This reminder offered valuable insight to the students, encouraging them to focus on the elements in the artwork, such as color and shape, rather than rigid judgments. By combining medical knowledge with the therapeutic benefits of artistic expression, the session successfully provided a platform for future doctors to explore a more holistic approach to patient care and physician well-being.

CSSC's Collaborative Exchange: Meeting at Unika Atma Jaya Semanggi Campus

August 18th, 2023
By: Astari Arfiana

In a significant stride towards fostering collaboration and advancing research, the Center for the Study of Sustainable Community (CSSC) held a purposeful meeting with external stakeholders at Unika Atma Jaya Semanggi Campus on August 15, 2023. The session provided a platform for productive discussions and planning to further CSSC's objectives. Distinguished figures like Dr. Christiany Suwartono and Elizabeth “Like” Lokon were present, highlighting a diverse range of expertise.The meeting's central focus was to explore collaboration avenues and initiatives aligned with CSSC's mission. It brought together CSSC members, external collaborators, and experts. Discussions covered diverse aspects, including the center's establishment, upcoming projects, and potential collaborative spheres. The presentation offered insights into future plans, encompassing expanded research initiatives and academic programs.The meeting concluded with participants charting a path forward. Concrete strategies were discussed, reflecting dedication to advancing research and community engagement. Noteworthy outcomes included commitments to cross-organizational and multidisciplinary partnerships, community engagement initiatives featuring various programs, and the acknowledgment of research potential in mental health. These dynamic discussions showcased CSSC's commitment to impactful research and community involvement, setting the stage for its journey ahead.

CSSC Members at Sarasehan Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara (KPIN): Highlights

August 16th, 2023
By: Astari Arfiana

Sarasehan Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara (KPIN), held on August 16, 2023, brought together 15 participants at Unika Atma Jaya Semanggi Campus. Key discussions revolved around KPIN's accomplishments, challenges, and future plans. This meeting convened members of the Center for the Study of Sustainable Community (CSSC), specifically representing the Faculty of Psychology at Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta, and encompassing esteemed leaders, academic luminaries, and faculty members from various institutions under KPIN's umbrella.The meeting commenced with a review of KPIN's successful compilation of bulletin articles until 2020, with plans to continue this process for 2021 and 2022, excluding COVID-19 related content. Editorial challenges were addressed, including the involvement of students in article creation to ensure originality and proper supervision. Excitingly, three new books are slated for publication this year, each containing 80-100 articles.To enhance efficiency and overcome administrative hurdles, an internship program was proposed to support administrative tasks, editing, and publishing. A pilot project for an online event on parenting and family, scheduled for October 2, 2023, was introduced. The meeting significantly delved into the forthcoming book projects. Plans were unveiled to compile and publish recap articles from 2020 into two distinct books, with each book expected to contain around 150 articles. This endeavor holds the potential to amass a cumulative total of over 1000 articles when combined with contributions from 2021 and 2022.Editorial roles were a focal point, with educators expressing interest in becoming editors, paving the way for collaboration in the editing process. The meeting culminated in discussions on future prospects, including the publication of PDFs in tandem with printed copies of the proposed books, upcoming leadership elections in September, and the prospect of recognizing outstanding contributions. Overall, the meeting stands as a pivotal moment in KPIN's journey, propelling the organization toward a knowledge-rich future under fresh leadership.

ScrippsOMA Facilitator Training at Faculty of Medicine, Atma Jaya Catholic University

August 8th, 2023
By: Angelika Natalia

To continue the mission of building bridges across ages and fading cognitive barriers through art, another Opening Minds through Art (OMA) Facilitator training activity returns to aid medical students at Atma Jaya University in developing skills to support the needs of individuals who have Alzheimer's Dementia (AD). The OMA program, designed by Elizabeth Lokon, Ph.D., not only plays a role in shedding stigma against people with AD but also contributes to building a respectful society. The OMA Program aims to improve the well-being and cognitive stimulation of individuals with AD through art.During the training activities, participants gained knowledge about the theoretical underpinnings, learned how to communicate respectfully and engage in positive energy transmission, and acquired appropriate ways to support older adults in expressing themselves through the creative process. Participants also experienced a new perspective through a simulation activity that introduced them to dementia, helping them to increase awareness and empathy. The training emphasized the importance of applying person-centered care principles and understanding that each older person has different life experiences and needs. As a result, participants are better equipped to encourage individuals with AD to develop a sense of autonomy, engage in social settings, and make independent decisions.Through these series of activities, participants were allowed to get an overview of eldercare activities that can help them realize a better quality of life through the arts. The OMA program encourages volunteers to build memorable and positive relationships with individuals with AD by engaging in creative activities. By engaging in the OMA program, both volunteers and older adults can gain valuable insight and experience through this opportunity.

Introduction to Opening Minds Through Arts: An Art-based Intervention for Senior Well-being

August 8th, 2023

Unika Atma Jaya is set to host a captivating event titled "Introduction to Opening Minds Through Arts," featuring speaker Elizabeth Lokon, Ph.D., from Scripps Gerontology Center, Miami University, Ohio. This event introduces an innovative intervention method that utilizes art as a means to slow down the aging process and reduce loneliness among senior citizens.Opening Minds Through Arts (OMA) has gained widespread recognition as a powerful tool for enhancing the well-being of senior individuals. Elizabeth Lokon will lead the discussion and shed light on the transformative impact of art-based interventions on seniors' lives. Her research and work in the area have demonstrated how creative engagement can significantly improve mental health, social connections, and overall life satisfaction for older adults.The event will take place in-person on Wednesday, August 16, 2023, from 09.00 to 12.00 WIB, at Unika Atma Jaya's Yustinus Building, located on the 15th floor of Kampus Semanggi, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.51, South Jakarta.As the world faces the challenges posed by an aging population, initiatives like Opening Minds Through Arts play a crucial role in nurturing the mental and emotional health of senior citizens. The event promises to inspire attendees and encourage the adoption of creative approaches in senior care and community engagement.The event is open to healthcare professionals, caregivers, educators, and anyone with an interest in senior well-being. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with Dr. Elizabeth Lokon and gain valuable insights into the implementation of art-based interventions for seniors.Registration Details:Member of KPIN Registration Fee: Rp75.000
Non-member KPIN Registration Fee: Rp125.000
Payment Details:Bank Transfer to BCA account number: 217 1320 757, in the name of Setiawati Sunardi.
After making the payment, kindly confirm your registration by contacting: +62 878-8574-0861.
Institutional Registration Information for KPIN Members:
For KPIN members who wish to register multiple individuals from their institution, please refer to the list of eligible institutions at
Registration and Payment Upload:
To complete your registration, please fill out the registration form at and upload your payment proof.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to explore the world of art-based interventions and discover how creative expression can positively impact the lives of our beloved senior citizens.

OMA Trainers Tika and Mira Announce Weekly Art Sessions at OMA Studio in Klinik Atma Jaya BSD

August 5th, 2023

OMA trainers, Tika and Mira, renowned for their dedication to using art as a means of fostering connection and empowerment, have announced an exciting new initiative. Starting from August 4, 2023, every Friday will be designated as "Art-Time" at OMA Studio in Klinik Atma Jaya BSD.The initiative aims to bring the joy of art to a special group of individuals, including seniors and people living with dementia. With their combined expertise and passion for creative expression, Tika and Mira have curated an array of art techniques specifically tailored to engage and inspire these individuals.The studio has been thoughtfully designed to encourage a sense of comfort and belonging, ensuring that participants feel at ease while exploring their artistic inclinations. Through their art sessions, Tika and Mira strive to create an inclusive and nurturing environment that celebrates the unique stories and experiences of every participant. The art techniques have been carefully chosen to cater to diverse abilities and interests, promoting a sense of accomplishment and self-expression among the attendees.The OMA trainers have collaborated closely with The Center for the Study of Sustainable Community and Klinik Atma Jaya BSD to ensure that the art sessions adhere to the highest safety and hygiene standards. The support and partnership have been instrumental in bringing this initiative to life.

A day in CSSC: Rookies' Impressions of Their Internship Debut

August 4th, 2023
By: Aurelia P. Deviarini & Nikita Florence

Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (UNIKA Atma Jaya) grants students an internship opportunity for one semester in a place of the students’ choice. This year’s internship program allows Psychology students a chance to experience working in CSSC right under UNIKA Atma Jaya Faculty of Psychology well-known lecturer, Christiany Suwartono, first hand.
On Friday, August 4, 2023, we (Aurelia P. Deviarini and Nikita Florence) met up at the CSSC office, UNIKA Atma Jaya’s clinic, 2nd floor. Since OMA and ScrippsAVID are the two main programs that are being handled by CSSC right now, we were introduced to Kak Mira and Kak Tika. They are the only official OMA trainers of Indonesia right now. They run through us briefly on how they prepare the supplies for an event, starting from counting the supplies available, confirming the number of elderly participating the program, packing the supplies according to the numbers, and finally categorizing all supplies in separate containers which will be brought for the event or stored in the office. Then, we get straight to helping sort those things out and revise some necessary stuff for the program.
After lunch, we were invited to do some play time together. Play time is essentially a time to try out one of the art projects in OMA before the actual event. That way, trainers and facilitators know how the end result is going to be and how the activity runs. In other words, it’s a fun time to create some art while also testing out the art project. The result very much reflects one’s personality. This experience was extremely fun for the both of us, especially since we have a big interest towards art. We enjoyed the whole process and we can’t wait to see how the elderly and volunteer pairs are going to fare during the program. Once we cleaned the supplies and tidy things up, we worked on our individual tasks assigned by Christiany. The silence accompanying the room is proof of our concentration on our works.
Before we end the day, we were asked by Kak Mira and Kak Tika to help them pack supplies once we were done with our work. The packages are individually prepared and packed in a plastic bag to help ease the flow of the activity. This way, each supply bag can just be distributed to the pairs in the program and they won’t need to share supplies that are already packed inside. We temporarily made a small production line to help quicken the process of packing and count them by the end of the line to make sure it was not lacking in number.
This whole experience was quite fascinating for us, especially since this is our first time getting to know the OMA program which just came into Indonesia. At first, we thought we would be assisting paperwise, like scheduling and organizing events. But we were actually more involved onsite and experiencing it first hand, like when we were preparing the supplies. It would’ve obviously taken some time if done alone, but we were doing it together and created a system where we can do it efficiently, so it went by quickly. It was a very worthwhile first day on our internship debut.

Center for the Study of Sustainable Community Successfully Hosts OMA Training at Rukun Senior Living

July 30th, 2023

Center for the Study of Sustainable Community CSSC) recently concluded its highly successful Opening Minds through Art (OMA; an Intergenerational Art Program for People Living with Dementia) training event, at Rukun Senior Living. The three-day training, held from July 28 to July 30, 2023.Participants were warmly welcomed to the training event, which commenced at 8 am on Friday, July 28. The entire training was conducted in Bahasa Indonesia, providing a culturally immersive experience for all attendees. To facilitate creative expression without concerns about attire, participants were encouraged to dress comfortably and casually.Rukun Senior Living as the location for the event, offering a serene and conducive environment for learning and collaboration. Ample parking was provided on the premises, ensuring the convenience of all attendees.Thanks to the combined support of Fulbright/AMINEF and CSSC at Unika Atma Jaya, there was no cost to attend the training. However, they open for donation for the continuity for the next training tools. This ensured that the event was accessible to a diverse group of individuals interested in people living with dementia.The Center for the Study of Sustainable Community expresses its gratitude to all participants, sponsors, and collaborators for making the OMA training a resounding success. By leveraging the power of art and community engagement, CSSC continues to drive progress toward a more sustainable and resilient future for all.For those seeking further information or interested in future events and initiatives, please contact the Center for the Study of Sustainable Community at [email protected]

ScrippsOMA and ScrippsAVID Unite to Combat Ageism and Loneliness in Community Psychology Course

June 12th, 2023

On June 12, 2023, the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Indonesia organized a special event by inviting Elizabeth Lokon, MGS, Ph.D. from Miami University, and Christiany Suwartono, Ph.D. from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, as guest lecturers for the Community Psychology course (Pre-Profession) taught by Dicky Pelupessy, Ph.D. The event, themed "OMA and ScrippsAVID," aimed to address ageism (age discrimination) and loneliness.The event took place at the Auditorium, Ground Floor of Building D, Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia, starting from 9 am to 12 pm, following Western Indonesia Time (WIB). During the event, the guest lecturers delivered presentations on the ScrippsOMA and ScrippsAVID programs they have developed and implemented in the United States and Indonesia.
ScrippsOMA (Opening Minds through Art) and ScrippsAVID (Arts-based, Virtual, Intergenerational, Dementia-friendly) are programs designed to enhance the well-being and quality of life for older adults through the arts. These programs utilize art as a means to reduce social isolation and loneliness experienced by individuals across generations. Through these initiatives, older adults have the opportunity to express themselves, build social connections, and enhance their cognitive skills.
During their guest lectures, Elizabeth Lokon and Christiany Suwartono shared their knowledge and experiences in developing and implementing these programs. They also discussed the importance of reducing ageism and loneliness in our society, providing practical advice and strategies for participants who wish to engage in these efforts.
The event aimed to raise awareness among students and encourage further action in reducing discrimination against older adults and creating an inclusive society for all generations.

ScrippsOMA Facilitator Training at Santa Ana Senior Living

May 26-28th, 2023

In a pioneering initiative to challenge the stigma regarding people living with Alzheimer's Dementia (AD), a groundbreaking training program for 'art facilitators' has been introduced, providing specialized skills and techniques to support the unique needs of older adults living with AD through the transformative power of art. Developed by Elizabeth "Like" Lokon, MGS, Ph.D., the program aims to build bridges across age and cognitive barriers while enhancing the quality of life for older adults.What sets the ScrippsOMA program apart is its emphasis on fostering independence and decision making in adults living with AD, recognizing the importance of human connections, independent decision-making, and mental well-being for individuals of all ages. Participants of the program undergo an immersive curriculum that encompasses theoretical foundations, how to communicate in sensitive and respectful ways, and how to better support the creative expressions of the older adults artistic techniques. The training program emphasizes the importance of person-centered care, acknowledging the unique life experiences and needs of each senior resident.This innovative training program is set to reshape the landscape of elderly care, harnessing the creative potential within each senior resident. By embracing the ScrippsOMA program, both the facilitators and older adults are pioneering a holistic approach to care that fosters self-expression, emotional healing, and meaningful connections among the elderly community.

Dr. Elizabeth Lokon's Groundbreaking Lecture Unveils Intergenerational Art Program as a Game-Changer for Those Living with Dementia

May 11th, 2023

In an effort to enhance understanding of education and learning for the elderly, Elizabeth Lokon, the founder of Opening Minds through Art (OMA), an Intergenerational Art Program for People Living with Dementia, was invited as a guest lecturer for the Elderly Education and Learning course at the Faculty of Psychology, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia.The course, PSE 102: Elderly Education and Learning, is taught by Prof. Dr. Clara R. Pudji Yogyanti Ajisuksmo, Psikolog and Maria Wirastari, M.Psi., Psikolog. The course aims to optimize the participation of the elderly in the aging process through adaptive education. In this course, students will learn why education and learning are important for the elderly, how to facilitate effective learning processes, and what topics are meaningful and beneficial for the elderly to learn. Issues such as barriers faced by the elderly in learning will also be discussed, along with strategies to overcome them. Using a learning method that focuses on direct experiences, students are expected to develop attitudes, knowledge, and intervention skills in the context of elderly education. Learning evaluations will involve knowledge assessments, case analyses, and the development of intervention recommendations, both individually and in groups.With Elizabeth Lokon's presence as a guest lecturer, students will gain firsthand insights into the contributions of art and creativity in elderly education. Through the shared experiences and knowledge, it is hoped that students can make better contributions to building inclusive environments and empowering the elderly to achieve well-being in the process of successful aging.

CSSC Expands Reach with New Office Location

May 1st, 2023

Center for the Study of Sustainable Community (CSSC) is proud to announce the opening of its new office location at the Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia's clinic (, 2nd floor, at its Bumi Serpong Damai campus in Tangerang, Indonesia. This strategic expansion aims to strengthen the center's presence and broaden its impact in advancing sustainable practices and fostering transformative change on a global scale.By establishing a physical presence in Tangerang, the CSSC aims to facilitate greater knowledge sharing, enhance networking opportunities, and drive collective action towards a sustainable future. The center's dedicated team of experts will work closely with local organizations, academic institutions, and policymakers to advance research, develop innovative solutions, and contribute to the ongoing sustainability discourse.The new office also represents a significant milestone in the center's journey. With its expanded presence, the center is poised to make an even greater impact, advancing sustainability research, promoting innovation, and fostering a global community of change agents.